Textable v2.0 has been released


After an entire year of hard work, we’re very happy to announce that Textable v2.0 is out! It can be installed or upgraded in the usual way.

Faster and scalable

The main changes concern Textable’s performance. Common operations have been considerably speeded up, and users who need to process larger amounts of text data (up to several hundred MB) may now do so, at the cost of trading some of that speed.

More usable

The user experience has also been greatly improved. The interface of most widgets (notably Segment) has been simplified, making it easier for non-specialists to start using Textable. The notification messages and icons have been globally re-worked in order to provide the user with a much clearer view of the status their workflow.

New functionality

On top of that, a new table construction widget has joined the crew: Cooccurrence enables you to assess the frequency with which text units occur together in your data, for instance in order to build networks that can later be visualized using tools such as Gephi.

What’s next

The online documentation is still that of v.1.5.2. Updating it will take some more time and we think Textable v2.0 is so much better that you’ll prefer using it with a slightly outdated doc rather than sticking to the old version.

In the meantime, we’re in the last stages of porting Textable to Orange 3 and Python 3, so you can expect a pre-release before the end of 2016! Much has been going on for Textable this year, and we hope you’ll enjoy the results.

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