The beta version of Textable 3.1.0 has just been released and can be installed or upgraded in the usual way.
New features
Since the last major upgrade (v3.0), the following features have been added:
- new Treetagger widget: use Treetagger for lemmatization and part-of-speech tagging directly from within your Textable workflows
- new Interchange widget: straightforward data exchange between Textable widgets and Orange’s own Text Mining add-on (read more)
- Text Files and URLs widgets are now able to auto-detect the encoding of your text sources
- widget Variety now computes the expected resampled variety in an exact fashion (as opposed to estimating it using Monte-Carlo methods); it also includes an improved algorithm for measuring per-category diversity (e.g. morphological diversity)
- widget Recode now reports the number of replacements it performs
- widget Display‘s basic interface offers an option for displaying a segmentation’s content in raw text format, as well as buttons for exporting it to file or copying it to clipboard
- a number of bugs have been fixed
Stay in touch
Make sure to ask any questions you might have and let us know about bugs if you encounter any (at or by e-mail to The documentation, which is hosted at, is still far from up to date, but while we’re working at it, a lot of useful information can be found in the documentation of Textable 2, which we still consider as the main reference to this date (